Jul 25, 2023Liked by Rev. Stephanie C. Bradbury

Your posts continue to amaze me. Thank you for sharing these teachings in the perspective you do. The reframing you do is essential to our understanding a lot of the "mysteries" of what happened 2000 years ago, and helping us step into our birthright.

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Jul 25, 2023·edited Jul 25, 2023Liked by Rev. Stephanie C. Bradbury

I love how you tease apart this well-known story and apply the bits to the issues of doubt and trust we human beings deal with on a constant basis! Makes ancient wisdom accessible in modern life. Thank you!

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Rev. Stephanie C. Bradbury

Stephanie, you empower me to see cherished stories deeper, and in doing that I want all the more to experience my birthright. I am listening and continuing to step out to be who I am!

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Rev. Stephanie C. Bradbury

Loving the way you explain and write regarding the teachings of Jesus. I agree completely with this point of view and what Jesus was showing and teaching. Trust, intention, letting go, transformation of the material manifestation out of limited thinking and contraction. Thank you for sharing always

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Rev. Stephanie C. Bradbury

An invitation for courage. Thank you ❤️🫶

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Jul 28, 2023Liked by Rev. Stephanie C. Bradbury

Really resonated with “manipulating energies around us with our thoughts” very powerful stuff. My personal research and studies is also showing me the same conclusions that energy is constantly being manipulated around us by our thoughts and feelings. So thank you for this ! Also laughed when you said “walking on water lessons” lol 😂 I would’ve asked Jesus for all sorts of lessons including turning water into wine lmao 🙏🏾

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